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Visiting Company Shakespeare's Speakeasy

14th Mar 2024

Event info

Start Time: 7.30pm

Tickets: £15.00


“It’s Shakespeare, but it’s secret”

Can a group of strangers successfully stage a Shakespearean play in a day?

Shakespeare’s Speakeasy is the place for you to find out.

Taking an irreverent and entertaining view of the Bard’s work, this one night only production promises you an hilarious take on one of Bill’s best known plays.

But which play will it be? Well, like all good Speakeasys, that’s a secret.

The only way to find out is to come inside.



All tickets are £15. Tickets are non-refundable.

In booking, you agree to all of our booking terms.

Seats and tickets are marked 'x' as seating in the Studio Theatre is unallocated.

Our Studio Theatre is on ground floor level and is wheelchair accessible.

Please note, there is no interval and latecomers will not be admitted.

You can select to have your tickets EMAILED (print off at home or show on your phone) or POSTED (for £1).

This event often sells out so if you are unable to attend, please let us know so we can make the seats available to others.

Give us at least 24 hours notice that you can't make it and we can provide a credit note for a future production.

Please ring the Box Office on 0191 265 5020 (option 2) or email boxoffice@peoplestheatre.co.uk.


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Exit booking

Shakespeare's Speakeasy
on Thursday 14th March 2024 07:30pm

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