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A wickedly sharp peep behind closed doors Entertaining Mr Sloane by Joe Orton

19th - 23rd Mar 2024

Event info

Start Time: 7.30pm

Tickets: £16.00 Concessions: £13.50


"a highly enjoyable and stimulating night’s theatre that fully lives up to the People’s Theatre’s enduring reputation for excellence" - Theatre Baby


Joe Orton’s hilarious and wickedly sharp black comedy sees sly and handsome Mr Sloane rent a room from lonely widow Kath.

As Kath and her controlling brother Ed vie for the shady young lodger’s attention, he thinks he has them wrapped around his little finger.

But soon Mr Sloane finds himself entangled in a dangerous game of sex, desire, blackmail and violence.

In its day, this provocative satire on social and sexual hypocrisy stirred up much controversy. And it still has the power to shock as a deliciously mischievous and bitingly funny peep behind closed doors in the swinging sixties!


Content guidance: the play contains scenes of a sexual nature, violence, references to sexual assault, and includes dated language which may cause offense. An e-cigarette is briefly smoked on stage.


This amateur production of “Entertaining Mr Sloane” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk



Mr Sloane: Sam Burrell

Kath: Alison Carr

Kemp: Mike Smith

Ed: Sean Burnside

Production Team

Director: Matthew Hope

Assistant Director: Xander Burbidge

Stage Manager: Megan Hewitt

Assistant Stage Manager: Charlie Younger

Lighting Design: Robbie Close

Lighting Operation: Glenn Maddison

Sound Design: Kate Scott

Sound Operation: Alistaire Wu

Wardrobe: Dianne Edwards

Wigs: Keith Wigham

Set Design & Dressing: Matthew Baines

Master Builder: Sands Dobson

Set Builders: Matthew Baines, Alec McKenna, Mark Burden, Heather Allan, Jenny Lamb, Katy Watkins, Peter Scott

Set Painting: Stewart Dives

Props: Karen Elliott, Kay Worswick, Rosa Cole, Isobel Potts, Robert Henery, Poppy Knight, Peter Scott, Peter Coulthard, Jenny Lamb, Matthew Baines

Rehearsal Prompt: Heather Birleson

Rehearsal Stand-in: Matthew Walters

Rehearsal Photos & Video: Jess Williams

Rehearsal & Production Photos: Paul Hood

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Entertaining Mr Sloane
on Tuesday 19th March 2024 07:30pm

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Entertaining Mr Sloane
on Wednesday 20th March 2024 07:30pm

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Entertaining Mr Sloane
on Thursday 21st March 2024 07:30pm

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Entertaining Mr Sloane
on Friday 22nd March 2024 07:30pm

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Entertaining Mr Sloane
on Saturday 23rd March 2024 07:30pm

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