Event info
Start Time: 7.30pm
Tickets: £16.00 Concessions: £13.50
“Drink up. We’re in for a bumpy night”
This hit comedy follows the exploits of bachelor Bernard and his trio of flight attendant fiancées!
Gloria, Gabriella and Gretchen work for different airlines, and Bernard (with the help of his long-suffering housekeeper) makes sure they don’t know about each other.
Unfortunately for the lying lothario, a new super-fast jet brings all three women to his Paris apartment at the same time!
Can Bernard weather the comic chaos that ensues, or will a disaster occur?
This fantastically funny and fast-paced farce has been delighting audiences for over sixty years. Fasten your seatbelts because there’s turbulence ahead!
This amateur production of “Boeing Boeing” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk
Gloria: Ashton Matthews
Bernard: Sam Hinton
Bertha: Cat White
Robert: Conor McCready
Gabriella: Francesca Rombi
Gretchen: Emily Jeffrey
Captain’s Safety Announcement: recorded & edited by Kate Scott, written & performed by Steve Hewitt
Production Team
Director: Steve Hewitt
Assistant Director: Kay Edmundson
Stage Manage:r Megan Hewitt
Assistant Stage Managers: Oskar Avery, Jamie Cordes
Set Design: Sands Dobson
Set Build: Sands Dobson, Mark Burden, Matt Baines
Set Mural Painting Design: Stewart Dives
Set Mural & Floor Painting: Stewart Dives with Michelle Mendes
Lighting Design: Robbie Close
Lighting Operation: Robbie Close, Harri Alderman, Karen Dales, Ben Watkins
Sound: Kate Scott, Jess Williams
Props: Hope McDonald, Rachel Potts, Caspin Reeves
Wardrobe: Chloe Parrack, Heather Allan,, Tricia Rutter Luke McVeigh
Rehearsal Prompt: Maggie Childs
Publicity Lead: Kay Edmundson
Rehearsal Room Photos: Ginny Leigh, Jess Williams
Dress Rehearsal Photos: Paul Hood
Publicity Photos: Jules Dash
Publicity Videos Conceived & Filmed By Ashton Matthews, Kay Edmundson. Edited By Ashton Matthews