Event info
Start Time: 7.30pm
Tickets: £15.00 Concessions: £13.00
As a fading Hollywood action movie hero seeks to rescue his ebbing career, his agent lands him a gig playing King Lear in “Stratford”. Unfortunately, rather than the home of the RSC, it’s the wrong Stratford and the hapless star finds himself in a village hall with the local am-dram society.
There can only be trouble in store as the unassuming locals clash with the massive ego, tantrums, and lofty expectations of the petulant diva from Tinseltown.
Adapted for the stage by Ian Hislop ('Private Eye', 'Have I Got News For You') and Nick Newman ('Spitting Image', 'Murder Most Horrid') from their 2008 film, this laugh-out-loud comedy is stuffed with memorable characters and hilarious dialogue as the two extremities of the thespian world collide head-on!
This amateur production of A Bunch of Amateurs is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd.
Dorothy Nettle: Kay Edmundson
Nigel Dewbury: Roger Liddle
Mary Plunkett: Kirstie Corfield
Denis Dobbins: Tony Sehgal
Jefferson Steel: Steve Parry
Lauren Bell: Kate Lundy
Jessica Steel: Sophie Taylor
Stratford Players/Journalists/Dave: Bill Harrington, Stewart Dives, Steve Strouzer, Lauren Aspery, Molly Winton, Abigail Martin, Jo Murray, Ian Willis, Ben Watkins
Production Team
Director: Steve Hewitt
Assistant Director: Robbie Close
Stage Manager: Lesley Heckels-Thompson
Assistant Stage Manager: Megan Smith
Lighting Design/Operation: Phil Bradley
Sound Design: Kate Scott
Sound Operation: Ronny Miller
Set Design: Megan Smith
Props: Rosa Cole, Mark Buckley, Hope McDonald, Cathrine Moore, Ann Tweedie
Set Build: Alan Potts, Josh Gray
Set Painting: Megan Smith, Ann Tweedie, Andrew De’Ath, Ellie Pullen, Katy Thomas, Kay Mullarkey, Millie Mann
Wardrobe: Julie Tucker & the Wardrobe Team
Rehearsal Prompt: Fiona Davison
With special thanks to Chris Heckels-Thompson, Stuart Scott