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Private Lives by Noël Coward

2nd - 6th Jun 2020

Event info

Start Time: 7.30pm

Tickets: £14.00 Concessions: £11.50


In light of the latest Government guidelines for dealing with the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, our Management Committee have made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel the remainder of our Spring/Summer season. This means all People's Theatre shows up to and including The Wizard of Oz will no longer go ahead as planned.

Although we know this is disappointing news, the safety of our members, staff and you, our audience, is our foremost concern. Rest assured this decision wasn't made lightly.

If you've booked a ticket for a forthcoming People's Theatre show, our Box Office will contact you individually. As we incur a charge for issuing card refunds, we'd be really grateful if you'd accept a credit for a future production. Of course, we will issue a full refund if you'd prefer. Please don't call or email the Box Office in the first instance - we have a small team, who are going to be very busy, but we will get in touch with everyone as soon as we can.

This unprecedented crisis will hit our theatre hard. Most of our funding depends on you coming to see our performances, so being forced to cancel shows puts us in a very difficult financial position. In order to survive, we're going to need your support. If you're financially able, please consider making a donation to help us continue our mission to bring great theatre to the heart of our community.

We're always so grateful for your support, and we look forward to welcoming you back to the People's as soon as we're able.

It's going to be hard but we will survive this crisis - our logo isn't a phoenix for nothing.

Karen Elliott
Chair, People's Theatre


In response to the Government instruction to restrict all travel to key workers, and for the well being and safety of our staff and the public at large, the Box Office is now closed until further notice. 

If you booked and paid online for a cancelled show(s), please check your Inboxes for an update (including your Junk Mail).

If you booked over the phone or in person, we will be in touch once we are advised we can reopen. 

This continues to be an evolving situation and we are grateful for your understanding and patience.

If you have a question that is not answered here please email boxoffice@peoplestheatre.co.uk. Our staff are currently furloughed but we will get back to you as soon as we are able. 

“It's a pity you didn't have a little more brandy. It might have made you more agreeable!”

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